I just got this from a dear friend. Her blog is "Always Smiling". Her name is Chris, and she is such a wonderful person and friend. Her blog is creative, full of inspiration and -well, SUNSHINE. She does marvelous cross stitch and other creative things, such as writing. Reading her blog is always an "upper". The award could not be better named then as appropriately enough, it's called "The Sunshine Award".
I am told this award is for bloggers who inspire others with positivity and creativity. The rules for accepting the award are:
1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
2. Pass the award to 12 bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
How hard it is to pick only 12 from all of the creative and inspirational blogs I have visited.
Here is my list. A lot of these blogs I may have only posted on once or maybe even never, as I am only learning that even when you are shy it's not as scary to post as speak to someone in person :-).
1) Regina My first blog that I read all the time. Gentle and always a breath of fresh air.
2) Rachel Another Mom of five sons Her blog is funny and always nice.
3) Elizabeth Creative, spiritual and so nice to read.
4) Lucy Fun, very interactive, and always something going on!
5) Elizabeth Truly inspirational, and creative besides!
6) Barbara amazing Mom, author, pundit
7)Melissa stitching, tutorials, fun!
8) Suzanne quilting, gardening and other musings.
9) Corrie knitting, sewing, papercrafts
10) Fiona Recycling, quilting, all kinds of interesting things
11) Lisa & Sarah 40 yr old mom and 12 yo daughter blog with cooking, quilting and more...
12) Donna painting joyfully :-)
Thanks so much, Chris-- this made my day and was so much fun to pass the award on!
Wow, Peggy! I'm so honored to be chosen for your list. :D
Thanks so much, your encouragement made my day!
In Christ,
Congratulations on your award!
Thank you so much Peggy....
I'm so happy you have shared this award with me.
I'm also glad to know you follow my blog and I actually inspire you.
Not sure who I will pass this on to but I'll try something.
Thanks again and please comment.. It's always nice to know who's dropping in xx
Hello Peggy!
Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving your kind comment on my blog this evening. I've been remiss in posting lately...I've had my hands full with the 2 littles and my husband is a full-time fire fighter...read...gone every other day for 24 hours! Not complaining...just makes for some long days and nights occasionally!
I just spent a few moments checking out all your other blogs...they are all lovely, but I decided since we both were members of Catholic Mothers On-Line to be a follower on this one! But believe me, I will most definitely be reading up on the others. I enjoyed your post on your family blog about the sticky situation that you sometimes find yourself in with your daughters-in-law. I really try to curtail complaining about my husband to my MIL as I feel that it might be hurtful to hear such things myself someday...right now I don't feel Benjamin, my 3-year old, could ever do anything wrong! LOL
Anyway, thank you for becoming a new follower. I've got lots of posts coming up as my energy has returned (I'm in my 2nd trimester with Baby Blessing #3).
Thankyou so much for the lovely award, that was really sweet of you!
Hi Peggy,
Thank you so much for the award! It is an honor, and I accept. I've just finished making it official. :) I'm glad to know that you enjoy my blog. I often wonder if "anyone" is reading.
Again, thank you!
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