Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some great prayer resources

I am always looking for things to help me in my prayer life. I am so distractable, and will either fall asleep (I am embarrassed to say this but I also fall asleep all the time in the car, sitting in the dentist's chair, the doctor's office- you get the picture... lol.) What happens though is that many times I forget whether I've moved my fingers to a new bead or move it twice for the same prayer! The rosary many times used to take me up to two hours to finish- so I didn't say it very often!

I have known for a long time that it's easier for me to pray with a group, so recently discovered that the interactive rosary programs available online help me immensely. Since praying with a group is so helpful, a good alternative to this for me is a rosary CD.  One that is well done and free besides is from The Mary Foundation. There are other good CDs out there, and I have some , but it seems to me that a free resource should be supported so that is why I am only mentioning this one right now.

I also found several different kinds of aids, from webpages that offer visual or audio that help to stay on track, to downloadable programs or audio files. There are probably many more resources out there, but this is a good start. Hopefully they will help others like they have helped me.
Clickable beads keep track of prayers said. Prayer text appears as you click on each bead. Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries each have pictures to help visualize the event of each mystery. Has a "Latin" option. Music option can play in the background.
Has clickable beads to keep track of the prayers said, and brief scripture passages to assist with meditating on the mysteries. An audio version is available on the site as well. Has Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries
Has check boxes to keep track of prayers said. Beautiful meditations help with the 5 mysteries of the Rosary Has Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries
Has worldwide prayer intention capacity.  Shows how many are praying online at once. Audio as well as written text assists in two ways to keep on track.
Downloadable mp3 files for each of the sets of mysteries. Explains a bit about the mysteries.
Tracks number of rosaries prayed. Scriptural rosary. Two audio options available to choose from.
Scriptural Rosary with themes such as "Love", "Sin", "Obedience", etc.
Downloadable program with multiple features such as images and/or music to assist with meditation, the ability to enter prayer intentions for worldwide prayers from many worldwide "prayercasters" Has a reminder feature that will pop up once a day to help with developing the habit of praying the rosary daily.

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